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Pet clippers

19 10:45:28

Hi,  I have a Poodle and have been using clippers from Walmart that cost less than $50.00 and am ready to step up to a nice clipper that will last.  Can you advise me on which brand is best and also give me info about blades and sharpen or replace?  Cost is not as big a factor as quality.  I have been looking on and others, but I am getting confused and don't really know what is best.  Also, what do you think of ceramic blades?  Advice given here said they dull fast yet all the sites say they run cool and stay sharp longer.  Please help me:-) Brenda.

The variable speed clippers are nice.  The Oster is the most dependable for home use.  It does not cut as quickly, but the maintenance is much less also.  The best clippers out there is the Laube (from what I hear)but they are heavier.  Most of the professional groomers I know use an Andis dual speed.

What you want is the clipper you can afford that has the highest spm (strokes per minute)  that is what lets you cut quickly and easily.  The Andis usually fits that requirement at a reasonable price.

The blades you will need for a poodle are:  #3F, or 4F, or 5f.  These blades will give you all the lengths you need to do most cuts. You will also need a #10 (which usually comes with the clipper) for sanitary area and some pattern areas.   You will also need a #15 for the face area and possibly the feet.  That with a nail clipper and hemostats should make you a groomer.

good luck