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incorrect Pom grooming

19 11:56:39

Hi again Ms. Curtice.   Hope you can give me some advice.  When I rescued my 10 year old Pom    she needed alot of dental work  (had 13 teeth removed).   The vet said to try and give her dry food as well as canned.  Of course she prefers the canned food more.   Anyway,  I feed her mostly Ceaser's wet food,  and am now trying IAMS and science diet.  (the groomer said Ceasar's was not good for her).   Also give Science Diet dry.   What brand (both wet and dry)  do you recommend?

Look forward to your reply.

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I have had my 10 yr old pom for 3 months.  Today I had her professionally groomed.   Don't think they know how to do it correctly.   They combed out all her under layer and now her top coat lies almost flat.   Should this undercoat have been removed???
Hello Pat, Yes I would comb out all undercoat.  However when I have done this the top coat usually does not lay flat.  So I am having trouble understanding the look.  What I do is comb and brush the Pom removing any mattes and or thickness in the coat.  When I can get a comb to glide through the coat then I consider the dog properly done.  Maybe her coat is thinner or lies flat because of her age.  Without you seeing her grow up you've never seen her coat grown in and healthy before.  Now that you have her and have her on a good diet, watch to see if her coat gets fuller and healthier looking.  Keep her groomed at home on a weekly basis so that her undercoat does not build up so much again.  It is good to keep the undercoat from building up so that your dog does not incurr any skin problems.  Enjoy your new dog and it sounds as if she has found a wonderful new owner.

Hello Pat, First of all we are talking about a 10 year old dog and although science diet and the like are good nutritional foods, some older dogs will not eat it because of the lack of fillers that make it more tasty.  If you want to give it a try, Try the name brands that you will find at most pet stores, they have less fillers and more nutritional value.  Sometimes when an older dog has health issues a vet will have you put them on special food such as ID for intestinal problems, KD for kidney problems, CD for colitis problems and others, these are made my science diet.  So science diet is a great product.  Try them and see what happens.  Now if your older dog snubs the better for her food because of lack of taste appeal,  Then feed her something she likes. ok it has more fillers, but it still has her vitamins.  I prefer beneful by purina.  This comes in wet and dry and I feel it has great nutritional value and my dogs love the taste.  It also has small dry food pieces so it is easy for small dogs to chew.  Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)