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Seizures with a Jack Russell

19 13:53:23

We have a 7 year old Jack and in the last month he has had 2
seizures lasting up to five minutes. He stiffins out , trembles all
over and has a blank stare, no eye movement. Both times he was
resting in a chair or his bed when it occured, scared the hell out
of us. Went to the Vet. after the first one and was passed off as
not to worry, "may never happen again", well it did and we are
concerned. Can you shed any light on the condition?, Thanks
Karl & Sue

Hi,  It sounds like your dog has something neurological going on, possibly epilepsy.  Monitor how often they happen, how long they last and the interval time inbetween.  If the frequency gets closer and they happen a lot more often, then you will want to discuss with your vet about putting the dog on medication to control the seizures.  When he seizures, make sure and move anything away from him that might injure him if he is near it.  Sometimes if a dog just has minor incidences, a lot of times vets don't want to start them on medication because the seizures may not continue, but once you start the medication you can't stop it.  The medication is hard on the liver so it is not something you want to start lightly.  Hope this helps,
