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Dogs in family pool

19 10:21:41

Hello, is it hygienic if my children swim in the family pool with our family dog? We have been enjoying family time in the pool with our dog and was recently informed it is extremely unhygienic for humans. Can you help?

Thank you.

Where did the suggestion come from?  I read many things about dogs that I know are untrue.  Many people are quick to make strong statements based on speculation or very limited experience.  This is one of those questions I doubt anybody has a good answer too including me.  

If the dog is allowed to run loose and frequently rolls in the stuff dogs love to roll in, including its own feces, I would be concerned.  Otherwise, I would continue.  You could go to and read up on zoonotic diseases.  There are very few things dogs can pass to people.  Ringworm is one of them.  Many of the hearworm and flea remedies also control ringworm.  Check the directions of anything you may be using on your dog.  If you aren't treating it with anything that controls ringworm, talk to your vet.

I would also keep the chlorine and other pool chemicals at the recommended levels.  That should control anything the dog does carry in.  It may also protect your family from other people.