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puppy pees

19 11:48:39

Our new pound puppy pees on the floor every time we talk to her.  According to the vet she is about 3 months old and is a border collie.  What can we do?

Hi Lauree;
Some dogs pee from excitement and nervousness.
I suspect this is why your dog is peeing.
Is this when you are talking in a sweet voice to her, or when you are scolding her?
If it is when you are playing with her, or being sweet to her, take her outside or to where she is supposed to go pee and do her business, let her empty her bladder before you start to play and talk to her.
If she is very new to the family, maybe it is just the nervousness of new surroundings and new people, and she is not sure what her position is.
Be very calm with her, and try not to get her too excited until she has time to settle in and get comfortable with everybody.
This doesn't take long, not more than a few days to a week or so.
Each day should get better.
My border Colie is very excitable. They are a high energy and pretty high strung breed. More patience, and a little less excitment at first will help.
If sahe has children that are excited about the new puppy, and they are all excited about having her, and they are playing with her, and enthusiastic, that can add to her tension.
Excitement is catching, and children getting excited about a puppy seems to spur a puppy into more excitement. she has more new kids to play with. It's PARTY TIME!!!! LOL
The excitement does not necessarily mean a fear. she can just be so happy to have new people that are paying attention to her, and being sweet to her. She could be peeing out of happiness.
a lot of dogs do this when their owners come home from work, and they are excited to see their humans, and they are prone to peeing when they get excited.