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Neutered Dog with Long Lasting Erection

19 9:56:34

We have a long haired Dachshund mix breed dog. He's about 3 years old. We adopted him from the Humane Society and they did not know his date of birth and estimated him to be about 1 year old. We've had him for a little more than 2 years now. In the past, on many occasions, he has "humped" his big toy moose, but there has never been any outward indication of an erection (red rocket, etc.) He just recently showed an actual full blown erection, and although it has diminished somewhat in size, it is still showing and IT'S BEEN "OUT" FOR ABOUT 36 HOURS. It this normal or something we need to be concerned about?

No, this is not normal. I suspect that it is "stuck" because of excess hair on his sheath, the skin covering the penis. Put the dog on his back, maybe in your lap, and carefully work the sheath back down over the penis. You may have to gently pull and "unroll" the sheath as it is most likely inverted on itself. The solution to this is to keep the hair on the sheath shorter. Clipping is a bit safer than scissoring.