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my boxer/shep mix is weird when it comes to other dogs

19 11:45:32

We got him from a shelter as a puppy and we don't really know much about his backround. He is fine with children and all people most of the time. His real problem is with other dogs. We take him for walks and sometimes he whimpers and then other times he is extremely aggressive and starts barking out of control. I don't know what to do with him. People get so angry and think hes a bad dog but he's really never done anything wrong. We do use a prong collar but its the only thing that remotely affects him. When he has that collar on he stays right by your side and never goes out of line except when dogs are near. With other collars its impossible to take him on a walk because no matter how tight we get the collar when he sees a dog he will get out of everything except the prong collar. We have been to group obediance and he was horrible and when the trainer did stuff he listened but when its us he doesn't.  

Hi Alex;
Your last sentence tells me a lot.
You are not making him understand that YOU are the alpha, NOT HIM!!!
Is he neutered?
If not, have that done right away. That will improve the aggressiveness some.
In class, he knows he HAS to mind the trainer.
He has found out that you may get impatient, or you may gripe a litle but he can get away with a lot.
First, you have to change YOUR attirude toward this pup.
No l;onger will you tollerate this behavior, and you need to make this plain to him.
No more " no, no, honey" attirude.
Instead, when he doesn't mind, you chew his butt out royally, and tell him he will mind or go to time out.
You cannot have one tender note in your voice.
My dogs are, Mommy's precious, sweet baby, all sorts of lovey names and terms, in a sweet voice. When they don't mind, I change into a stern, demanding, DON'T YOU DARE!!! mammy, and they know they have plowed up a snake.
I never hit!!!!!
But I can give a chewing so that they think they have been half eaten, and if the sin is great enough, and they have been chewed out for it before ( like snapping at one of the other dogs, chewing up a shoe, etc) they get put into time out for a half hour or so.
the second time out for the same offense is one hour.
Time out is being put into the small bathroom, no toys, not a lot of room. they only have a 5X5 space to move around in. They have nothing to do but lie on the bathmat, hear what is going on in the house they are missing out on, and think about their offense.
It works.
I even taught my friend's spoiled brat Yorkie to behave when he is here, by 2 timeout's.
He is a shin kicking brat at home, but at Aunt Charlotte's, he behaves like a little gentleman, and he LOVES to come here.
another sentence, about sometimes he whines, sometimes he is aggressive, tells me he is very insecure.
Go to this address and read what can be done with this method of animal massage.
I have used this for years to cure aggression, fears etc, and it is great for relief of pain. In his older years, you are most likely to have to deal with Arthritis, and maybe Hip Dysplasia. You will be able to give him a lot of relief with fewer meds.

You can also order a video from that site to learn how to do the massages properly.
There are specific massages for aggression, and others for other fears.
When dogs are aggressive and have not been TAUGHT to be aggressive, it is because they are insecure, and they are trying to show they are big and tough, so that they will not be attacked and harmed.
He is WAY too much dog to give up on.
I am wondering why the trainer didn't train you.
I don't mean that to sound nasty.
People want to be nice, and it is sometimes harder to get the owner to be assertive enough than it is to train the dog.
I prefer teaching a group class, because the owner is the one who is going to be handling the dog, and I make sure I have the owner trained in the way they have to talk to the dog to assert themselves.
Getting the collar tight enough is not the key.
I still wouldn't use a prong collar.
Try a harness instead.
He doesn't move out of line when he has on the prong collar, because it causes pain.

a harness that fits under his chest, and around his legs, and acts sort of like a straight jacket, he will no get out of.
You could even make such an apparatus Go to home Depot or such store, and get some of that nylon rope, and the metal clasps etc, and put it together, with a handle on it, rather than just a leash.
If you have a fenced yard he can run in, don't take him for walks for awhile, until he learns he is safe, and doesn't have to show sggression, and he has had a few massages so he is more secure.
Besides learning he is fase and secure, he also needs to see that no matter what he does, you are going to find a way to make him do it your way.
He is not dumb, so he will soon figure out that he can't beat you so he may as well join you.
When you are walking and he shows aggression, chew him out and say, "You are a BAD DOG!!!! If you can't behave, you will just have to stay home" Then take him home.
When you get home and are inside, release his leash and say, not get over there and just lie down and behave.
You are saying this in an "I am sick and tired of putting up with this" voice.
Shame on you a few times directed at him will help get the point across.
He needs to know he has really made you mad.
Give hiom a 15 minute massaage for aggression before you take him out for a walk.
I can't recommend those massages too highly. I have just worked what I consider marvels with them.