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Help with leash training a fear biter?

19 11:52:46

Dear Ms. Cabe,
I have a 3 year old Rottie/Shepard mix, Max, who is having issues with (and everything to do with) a leash.  I adopted him at 6 weeks old.  I had fostered him & his 3 brothers.  Max knows all of his commands, he is crate trained and is good with others.  He a little hyper with me when he is excited, but calms when told to settle. BUT when I attempt to put him on the leash to walk, train or whatever he cowars and bears his teeth, snip at me as I get closer and at times will pee where he stands. Now, this has been from day one, and his brothers did the same thing, even at 6 weeks old.  I will be moving across country soon & since I cant get him on a leash to get him in the car, I NEED HELP. I thought about training class but how can I get him to the first one.  I need some training myself as to the steps I need to begin training him.  (By the way, he has been in the car about 4 times for vet visits and it was very scarry for him. Once I get him use to the leash, I can start more training with him.  Max is the best dog I have ever had and had only dreamed of.  He has never bit or attempted to snip at my 2 kids.  Max is so close to me.  My husband noticed that Max will not eat dinner until I get home from the store.  He follows me all over the house and will not let me out of his sight.  Sorry this was so long, but I wanted you to have some background.
Any suggestions to get him on the leash and ready for a road trip would be great!
Thank you

Theresa, it would be dangerous for me to give advice regarding this issue over the internet, without seeing it firsthand. I would recommend that you consult a local behaviorist/trainer that has experience dealing with aggression, and who can come to your house and work with you one-on-one. I'm sorry I'm not much help, but I don't want to give you advice and you get bitten.