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Shelties Potty Problems

19 11:07:16

My 2 year old sheltie has two issues the first is one he has been doing since
he was a puppy - he pees on his feet. He tends to walk and pee getting it all
over himself or if he stops to lift a leg he'll switch legs mid-pee and step
right in the puddle.

Second: I recently moved into an apartment and we are having trouble getting
a potty schedule down. The first couple of weeks went well, but recently he
has been going #2 in the living room. I'll take him for a walk and he won't go
#2 when we get back he'll do it in the house. Usually I'll find a surprise in the
morning even though he went before bed the night before. He knows what he
is doing is wrong, because after he does it he'll hide in the closet or under
the bed until I find it. Otherwise he seems to have adjusted to the move quite
well. I don't understand he was so easy to potty train as a puppy.

Some boys are just sloppier than others, and there is nothing to be done about that.

As to the housebreaking, yes, he was housebroken in your old location; he is not housebroken in the new one.... and sometimes that can be due to stress. You need to start over and remind him that it doesn't matter *where* he is.

Put him back in his crate and treat him just like you would a new puppy. Crate him when you cannot watch him, at night, or if he does not potty outside when you think he should (and then try him thirty minutes later). With a little bit of effort, he should come around quickly. And don't forget the praise when he is good!