Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > not eating nor drinking

not eating nor drinking

19 11:44:46

QUESTION: I acquired a Chihuahua through a foster parent.  He's around 6 yrs old and on the chubby side.  I got him Sunday, 6/3/07 and being nervous he did drink several times.  But since then he hardly eats the same food he had at the foster home  but he didn't drink at all today until I took him for a walk to the park.  Then it was just a few laps.  He doesn't act or look ill but I am worried about his lack of food and water.  Any ideas?

ANSWER: He may just have an upset tummy or maybe the heat is getting to him

If it keeps up for a few more days though,see your vet

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I tried something to see if indeed he wasn't hungry or just finicky.  He definitely is a finicky eater.  My granddaughter left some mac and cheese from diner and Dewey (dog) was very intent on the smell.  I put the bowl of mac and cheese on the floor and he scarffed it up. I don't want to feed him people food, only natural type kibble found on the Internet and specialty stores.  It cost a lot more but has no preservatives or garbage in it as commercial type food does.  So should I just keep the food out and wait for him to get hungry enough to eat or what?  He could stand to lose a few lbs, but I'd rather he enjoy his meal and he definitely prefers people food. So now what do I do?

Well first things first do not mix people food or anything into his food,as you will always have to do it,just put it down and he will learn to eat it-some dogs don't like metal food dishes as they sometimes leave a funny taste in the dogs mouth,in that case you can buy a plastic or ceramic bowl