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bumps on my 7 week old pitbulls head

19 10:27:00

i came home today and my seven week old pit bull had small bumps on his head. He is acting a little funny, wanting to go outside and hide, but he is still eating and drinking. I think it may be an allergy, but its only on his head. I gave him a water only wash down. i dont want to go to the vet if it will just go away. but i dont want it to get worse. i dont want him to be sick.

Hi Jennifer,

Of course you don't want your puppy to be sick!

You say you think your puppy may be acting a little funny. Are the bumps swellings, like he was hit on his head, or are they more like pimples?
If your think your puppy had some kind of a head injury (like from being hit on the head) you should not delay in having him examined by your veterinarian.

If these bumps look more like pimples, try cleaning the area twice daily with a mild soap and dry the area well. Then apply a little dab of Neosporin (or any kind of any type of over the counter triple antibiotic ointment) to the pimples. If the pimples doesn't seem improve over the next 3 or 4 days, then you'll know you gave it a good shot, and it's time to have your puppy examined by your vet.

Three diseases that start out looking like simple pimples are Ringworm, Demodicosis, and Puppy Strangles. None of these conditions will respond to daily cleanings or an antibiotic ointment. Given the fact your puppy is so young, you might be better off having him examined by a vet straight away, rather than putting it off for even a few days.

Best of luck,
