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new dog issues

19 10:30:46

I adopted a 1 yr old dachshund from the pound yesterday. I have a 2 yr old cairn terrier who is very passive and a bit squeamish when it comes to rough play with other dogs. The dachshund keeps mounting my cairn and following him around the house, even when my cairn yelps and tucks his tail in, the dachshund keeps at him and has on occasion nipped his legs. I have no idea how to get him to stop this, i tried putting a leash on him and pulling him back when he starts to mount but it doesnt seem to be putting a dent in his behavior. on top of this he territorially pees in the house even if he's just gone outside.

Hi Aleida,

Congratulations on adopting a new dog!

Since you only have your new dog for about a day, you need to be consistent and persistent in changing his behavior. You may not see changes for several weeks.

Keeping the new dog leashed inside your home is a good idea. The instant he even looks like he might be thinking about going after one of your other dogs, give him a "correction" with a tug of the leash, and praise him the moment he settles down. When you can't be watching your Dachshund, he should be crated since you can't trust him not to go after your other dog.

The same goes for the marking behavior. Supervising your dog so that the dog doesn't even get the chance to mark in the house is the best way preventing the marking from becoming a habit.

You can't give your  Dachshund the run of your home until you can trust him not to mark. Crating him, or containing him to an area of your home with the help of a child gate or two will prevent marking. Clean the areas where the dog has marked with an enzymatic cleaner, such as Nature's Miracle, to prevent the dog from remarking. Do not scold your dog for urine marking. It rarely works, even when you catch him or her in the act.
Get a"bellyband" (also known as a male dog wrap) for your Dachshund, it's a training aid for male dogs. Here is an example of a bellyband:

You didn't say if the Dachshund has been neutered. If he hasn't been, you shouldn't delay in having that done. It will help control the mounting behavior and the marking.

Marking is a very dominant dog behavior. It is your dog's way of showing everyone around that he is the "top dog". The best way to curb dominant behavior is through obedience training. A dog going through obedience training learns to put the desires of his owners ahead of his own. As he learns to happily submit, he becomes less dominant and often the marking goes away as well.

Best of luck,
