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Smart Mutt Pooping in Crate, VERY early riser

19 10:46:56

We got Tucker, a rescued chiuahua/terrier mix, from the shelter 5 wks. ago. Potty trained, great with the crate. But the past 2 wks. he's been rising at 5am. He doesn't nec. need to go to the bathroom but this week pooped in his crate. I'm guessing out of spite that we're not letting him out so early? Want to get him to understand 7, not 5am! Thanks.

It may be more stress than spite.  Pushing back his last meal of the day might push back the bowel movement.  If his crate is where the morning sun gets to it, you might try putting it somewhere else or even blocking it off.  Don't enclose it making it an oven, and be careful about him pulling things in and shredding them.  Look around for anything else that could be disturbing him that early, something on a timer or whatever.