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German Shorthaired puppy is Hungry

19 11:11:21

We feed our puppies human food which consists of Baked chicken, mixed veggies and cheese.   We feed the the male who is 10months 16oz and the female who is 4 months 8-10 oz twice a day and they still act hungry.  Is this normal.

Some dogs will always act hungry, no matter HOW much food they are fed. However, I do not think you are feeding them quite enough food. When you feed raw, you feed 3%-5% of the dog's adult body weight each day, depending on how active the dog is. I would probably still use that rule of thumb with cooked food, as well. What that means is that you should be feeding your male somewhere between 0.65 and 3.5 pounds of food each day, depending on his activity level and how much food it takes for him to maintain a proper weight. Your female should be fed between 1.35 and 3 pounds of food each day.

You may want to consider talking to a canine nutritionist about what you are feeding your dogs. Chicken, veggies, and cheese is not going to provide the proper nutrition to your dogs if that's all they are fed, day in and day out. One of the main things you are missing in their diet is calcium. I would recommend that you begin giving them a raw egg, shell and all (you might have to break it up for them a time or two, until they understand that they are to eat it) with each meal. The shell provides calcium and other minerals, and the insides of the egg are high in protein and omega fatty acids.