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Traing to defacate in certain areas.

19 13:56:33

We have a two year old Golden Retriever. She is a wonderful dog and very well trained. One thing though, she seems to always defacate in the grassy area around our patio.  We have a fairly large yard and I was hoping we could train her to start defacating in the back area of the yard if possible. Is there some training method or some sort of product we could put down in the patio area that would make her go to another part of the yard to defacate?  Thanks.

Couple of things.   first take the feces and put it in the area you want her to go.....second get a product at the pet store that makes them avoid the area.  I can't remember the name something like  "no stop" anyway they will know what to recommend.   and Thirdly if she will go to the bathroom when on leash,  walk her for a few days to let her know where you want her to go.   This takes patience because she will not understand in the beginning so keep bringing her in and out in and out.  
good luck