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Grabbing hair and trying to bite face, barking at me

19 10:09:40

Hi Kristin

I have a 13 week old staffy (female). I am concerned about her behaviour as she is always trying to grab at my hair. If she is near to my face she tries to bite it. If I tell her No she stands up to me barking and then will re-do whatever I have told her off for such as, grabbing my trouser legs. I am getting upset because I do not want to start hitting her and shouting all of the time, as I dont feel it will work. Please can you give me some advice

regards Trish

Using a water bottle,and spraying her every time she does that and saying 'no,leave it' loud and firm usually works,as it does catch there attention without hurt the puppy

Also 13 weeks is a good time to consider taking her to obedience classes,as a trainer can walk through the steps with you,and also stop any problem now before they become serious