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Weather and Outside Dogs

19 9:48:21

I have 3 dogs, a Boston Terrier, a Boxer and a Mastiff. We recently moved and are not allowed to have dogs inside the house. I am concerned that it might be too cold to leave my dogs outside, especially the Boston. It will be around 25 degrees in a couple of days at night. They all have dog houses but don't tend to go in them, not even when it's raining. So I am worried they won't get out of the cold weather. Do you have any suggestions how I could make them a little more comfortable?

Hi Natalie;
I am sure that they will be fine.
If the temperature is colder, around 15 or lower, then I would worry..
The dogs will usually go into their houses when they really do get cold.
So, if they are running around still barking and wagging their tails, chances are they are just having a great time, even in the rain!
You can put a bed down, of hard plastic to raise them off the ground, as the ground holds the temperature, so, if they have something to lay on, it will insulate them, as they have a great amount of fur to help them.
I am in New York as well, so, I am aware of the temperatures and how they effect the dogs!
So, just be watching for any sudden shaking, or loss of appetite, or not drinking water,
Otherwise, Button UP!!
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