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19 9:28:30

I have a 2 yr old black lab. On 2 occassions he has been walking funny as his front paws were crossing. he craised his leg to pee and he collapsed. His hind legs were shaking so bad he couldnt sit down. Minutes later he was fine. Could it be a mini stroke or a small seizure? any help is appreciated. Thanks


Hi James,

It's really impossible to guess at what the problem may be. Two years is young to have a joint disease such as arthritis or hip/elbow dysplasia but it is still a possibility since they are genetic conditions. It's also possible it was a seizure or a neuralgic condition (the crossing of his paws).

What's the use of guessing? Your dog needs to be examined by a veterinarian, because he deserves more than guesswork.

Best of luck,
