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dogs nose peeling

19 10:14:52

Hi, I have a 9 year old female cocker spaniel and her nose has begun to peel. Its only the top perimeter so far. Is there any type of lotion you know I can get to put on it so it doesn't peel as much and look so crackly?

Hi Karen,

The peeling might be nothing serious, but there are a few skin diseases that should ruled out by your vet. You didn't say if she's licking her nose more than normal, or not. If she is, then she must feel some sort of irritation and it should be looked at by her doctor.

If you use a plastic food or water bowl, try switching to stainless steel, or ceramic. Plastic is porous and traps bacteria that can be transferred to your dog. Also, some dogs are hypersensitive to plastic, and that could be the cause of the skin problem.

You can use a tiny bit of Olive oil, Vaseline or Bag Balm to moisturize and heal your dog's nose skin, all of the above are safe when licked. If the problem continues, then she should be examined by your vet.

Best of luck!