Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Grooming > smelly


18 17:40:08

she is a cockerspaniel
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my dog stays indoors and she smells what can i use on her to eliminate the odor on her and in my house?
Without knowing what kind of dog you have, large/small/long haired/ young or old, it is kind of hard to say.
Dogs with droopy ears have ear odors. Dogs with hound in them have skin odors.  Collie type dogs have that wet dog smell from undercoat.

The best thing I can tell you is that you can wash your dog as often as she needs it, just use a good pet shampoo for her skin type.  There are also colognes at the pet stores you can buy.
For your carpet, if she smells the areas where she lays, baking soda works very well!  Sprinkle it on the carpet and let it stay there for several hours, or better yet, overnight. Vacuum it up and the area will smell much better.

I like a product called PURE CITRUS, it is available at Walmart in the air freshener aisle. It kills odors very well and unlike Febreeze, it is safe around pets. Dont' spray directly on your pet, but on the areas and in the rooms.

If you want to contact me with the age and specifics about your dog, I may be able to suggest more. If possible, try to find the area of which the smell is coming; ears, mouth, coat, or whatever, and then the smell will be easier to fight.
Good luck

Since she is a cocker, check her ears, mouth and feet for odors.
If she licks her feet, cut the hair close between the pads and around the feet, even the tops somewhat short so the hair can dry and the skin won't stink.

Ears on cockers get really smelly.
I recommend contacting your vet for a nice ear wash that fights fungal and bacterial infections.  Clip the ears short and fluffy like a puppy and shorten them up so air can circulate.

Finally, get her clipped in a sporting clip, a fairly short clip so that her hair doesn't' trap odors. You can easily keep her dry and clean and dry her easily when you bathe her.

When you wash her, add a little baking soda to your shampoo to fight odors. It helps alot!

Good luck!