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Blow dryer

18 17:36:37

Recently got two yorkies, 8 mos old. They were rescues, so not sure about background. I bathed one yest. and was going to dry him
with a dryer and he absolutely flipped out! He was TERRIFIED and
I dropped it immediately (the dryer) I tried just turning it on and they both go balistic.  Any ideas on how to acclimate them to the dryer in a kind way?

Hi Kathy,

Before you turn on the dryer, pet them with it and talk soothingly to them.

After "petting" them with the dryer (do several short sessions over a week), turn on the low setting and start near their rear-end --never the head-- to begin with because the noise and vibration around their head will frighten them. Don't have both dogs in the same room as they will feed off each other and it will be worse.

You can wrap them snugly in a towel with just their hind quarter exposed. The swaddling effect will help them feel secure and prevent them from escaping. Slowly, over time work up toward the head area.

Lastly, stay calm and relaxed and use a soothing tone of voice.

Good-luck Kathy,