Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Grooming > Brushing/Stains


18 17:38:23

QUESTION: Hi!   I have a 2 year old poodle mix (possibly bichon/poodle?)  who has very fine hair that mats easily.  I get her groomed every 6-8 weeks, but she still mats in between.  I have to admit I don't brush her as often as I should, and this is what my question stems from.  I was told that for her coat, I should get a wiry brush that will brush through her double coat.  The problem is I hate brushing her because she acts like I'm killing her every time I do, and I'm afraid I'm hurting her.  She not only squirms, but she also yelps.  Is she just mad because she doesn't like being brushed, or am I really hurting her?  What would be the best brush to use on her?  

Also, I'm wondering if there is anything I can do about the staining she gets around her eyes.  I've tried the pads they sell at the pet store, and they have not worked.  

Thank You!

ANSWER: Hi Amanda,
There is no question that if you are only having Zoey groomed that often then you can be sure the hair is matted and depending on what you brush her with and how you go about doing it, it hurts.
Either you  cut it short, #5 blade, or get her groomed more often. Get a softer slicker brush- Doggieman, distributed by Millers Forge and sold online mostly- and have your groomer show you how to use it, then use it at least twice a week, whether Zoey likes it or not. Whether you like it or not... The slicker makes a  HUGE DIFFERENCE. The one I recommended is more expensive but worth every dime for a sensitive dog. The more you brush, the less knots, the easier it becomes. Don't try doing this on the floor. Get a proper table to do this on.

Eye staining can be caused by blocked tear ducts. Have your vet check them. There are products you can sprinkle in the food but they are low dose antibiotics. I don't recommend  it over long period of time. Forget those products claiming to help eliminate staining. Never works. Invest in a good groomer instead.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: she is cut short when i take her to the groomer, and 6-8 weeks is how often they told me to come in.  How often do you recommend I take her in?

Have you spoken to your groomer about this? Maybe you need to try another one if they don't want to groom her more often. Frankly I have clients who get their dogs done weekly. What's your budget?  Just a bath and blow out every few weeks and a haircut 6-8 weeks. The combout is the most important thing to control matts so it isn't so traumatic.
You have to decide to put the $ into it or learn to do it yourself.