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Bath time!

18 17:37:01


Hello, I have a 17 week-old jack russell puppy called Toby. We haven't yet given him a bath and feel that we may need to soon. He absolutley HATES water and we are worried that he may be very irritable and snappy if we try and bath him. Also, how often would you say we had to bath him?
Help please! Thank you very much xxx

Hi Laura,
What an adorable puppy! Dogs that avoid water don't necessarily hate baths. A warm bath in a contained area can be very relaxing.

Instead of preparing yourself for how "irritable and snappy" Toby will become when bathed, imagine Toby being calm in the tub and more importantly, picture yourself calm so Toby can follow your lead.

Our dogs mimic our behavior. Nervous, insecure dogs almost always are owned by the same sort of human.

1) Toby may be unsure of water and the bath process but you can easily work through his trepidation. It's important not to give in if he balks. In other words, be prepared to finish his bath if you start. If he jumps out of the tub covered in shampoo, quickly retrieve him and put him back in the tub.

2) Maintain a calm voice throughout the bath. Do not be overly coddling and try not to raise your voice from frustration. If you remain calm, Toby is far likelier to emulate you.

3) Dogs new to being bathed, fear water on their face because of their survival instinct. It's important to hold Toby's muzzle and point in downward when you apply water to his face. This will prevent water getting in his nose. Always use tearless shampoo.

4) When you complete his bath, reward him with a yummy treat!