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bichon eyes

18 17:40:14

I have a 1 year old bichon who has the discoloraion around the eyes. what can u do for that and is there anything to prevent it..
thank you

 Unfortunately bichons are one of the many breeds that have
to deal with eye stains. There are a few things you can do
to help your dog.
  Any time you notice that your dog has a build up in his
eyes clean it out with a warm damp facecloth. This will
keep the eyes free from debris and also will prevent stains
from occurring because your getting the gunk before it can
stain the fur.
  You can also buy over the counter products. Usually in the form of wipes that have mild cleaners in them. I cannot
give my opinion on those because I have never used them. I
am more of a home remedy type person.
  You can also use a holistic method that I use quite often, 1c. warm water with a tsp. of baking soda and a tblsp. of lemon juice. (bottled or fresh your choice)
Use a soft cloth , wet a portion of it with the water mixture and clean around the eyes of your dog with it. Do
this twice a day for a week then once a day for a week.
Then you can do it every other day or so from then on. If
you find the stains returning then go back to daily or twice a day whichever you feel is needed.
 There is no cure or 100% failsafe preventative method.
This will be an ongoing battle. But the beautiful/healthy
look on your dog's face will make it all worth while.
 I wish there was more I could tell you, but that is the pretty much the extent of it. If you want to you can also
ask your vet. There might be something I don't know about that he/she may.
 Good luck ! and God Bless !