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My dog She Is a Black Lab/Hound dog

18 17:36:41

I have a Black lab/hound dog and i cant clip her toe nails even since she was just a little baby. The vet barely can do it either. What should i do? Also her breath always smells really badly. I need some advice. Thank You

Hi Andrew,
It is a fact that some dogs will not have their nails cut with a nail clipper. - no matter who is doing it. SOme however will be amenable to having them filed - a dremal tool with rough sand paper nub or even fine can sometimes be the answer. Go slow at first to gauge the resistance level. SHould it be too much, just quit.
Run your dog on pavement to file them down naturally if all else fails.
Have your vet make a note in his chart to cut nails as short as possible if he is ever in for a proceedure such as teeth cleaning..
Just go with the flow- if it becomes dangerous, then it become a vet problem.
good luck.