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yorkie shaved

18 17:38:18

I went out of town for about a month and i left my 7month old yorkie with family. When i returned she had matts so i took her to the groomers and the lady shaved her. How long will it take to grow out her beautiful coat again? What can I do to make it grow faster? I heard that using supplements but which ones are good so that her coat can shiny and soft?

Hey Trish,
well good news, bad news,
good news is it will grow back, it ALWAYS grows back and better at the beginning of summer than the end. The groomer did the correct thing. Otherwise you could end up with a totally freaked dog trying to brush out all those knots
Next year you will probably want to shave it all off after dealing with the mess of the winter and unless you have lots of time and know what you are doing it may be in the exact same condition.
bad news is unless you know what you are doing with these coats you should just keep it short.
good news in 8 weeks your pup will start looking adorable
bad news is in 12 weeks it will start matting up again- if not sooner.
good news if you keep your little darlin' on a 4-8 week schedule with your groomer, in a puppy cut, you won't have to worry about this happening again.
If you have to take trip and leave the baby with someone - do everybody a favor and have her groomed BEFORE you leave so nobody is tempted to bath or destroy your hard work. People make this mistake all the time. They only groom the dog for their own gratification and never think about how nice it is to give a perfectly coiffed dog that looks fab to the person(s) who are caring for  her. Everybody does not know how to maintain a long haired coat and thinks "oh lets dunk her in the tub and surprise Trish" meanwhile it matts and destroys the coat.
Whether or not this is the case (maybe YOU did it not knowing you have to BRUSH OUT ALL MATTS before you wash!!!!), this is a really good rule of thumb for all pet owners.  Lay down the law- no baths! Unless you have a relative who is a dog groomer...
It will grow back and you won't have to do anything special because nature takes care of it's own. Just a good high quality diet, fish oil and lots of brushing and combing before you bathe the dog and conditioner not to mention blow drying so she doesn't roll all over causing the hair to rematt.
I really want you to get on a schedule Trish- your dog will hopefully live 18 years and you need to get into the groove.