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grooming our poodle mix

18 17:39:52

We have a very thick haired poodle (wire haired terrier?) mix.  I wash and brush him until he feels like cotton, but I am still having a very hard time finding any clippers that will easily cut through his hair.  It is SOOOO thick.  --I purchased the Oster professional cordless trimmer as recommended by the manager at Petco--what a joke.  It didn't cut a thing!  Help!! what would you recommend--I will only be grooming my dogs (the poodle mix and a newly rescued cocker)  am willing to pay around 125.00  Thanks!!!

You are a lucky person to have a thick haired poodle.
Your right about the clippers that your bought. For the money and time you could already have a professional pair.
I can see that you like the computer so this will be a breeze. Go to Search for clippers. You will find several types that will ensure that they are perfect for the job at hand. However, I recommend Andis 2-speed it should come with a #10 blade. Choose one and also order a #7F blade. The #7F is perfect for Cockers and the clippers will have enough RPM's to go through the coat like butter. The #10 that comes on the clipper is for poodle faces and tummies. Read the instructions on cleaning and oiling the blades. The box usually comes with an extra blade drive.
These do go out quit frequently but they are about $4.00.
I think you will be pleased with the product and your performance after your finished.
You may have to spend $150.00 with shipping but the invested is well worth price.