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wool coat Australian Labradoodle

18 17:37:55

happy pups
happy pups  
QUESTION: Luigi has a true wool coat, much like sheep's wool, or, as I like to say Ugg boots. It is nearly impossible to brush  AND when I do brush him, he actually mats more. Should I be treating his long, winter coat much like a Puli's? and let it cord and leave it? I do clip him in the spring since he loves to swim.

ANSWER: Hi Coco,
This is not a breed that was bred for any reason other than to try and meld the nonallergenic properties of a poodle and get the personality of a lab - or something. Coat is truly a problem in these dogs. Groomer nightmares. I have never heard a groomer say how much fun it was to groom these dogs because of the problem you describe. It is a good thing they are relatively good natured according to those who work on them. Both poodles and Labs are water dogs so it's no wonder the happy pup loves to swim. They do share that ancestry. Poodles were corded for centuries but the weight of the wet cords tended to drown the dogs so the "poodle cut" was born to keep the joints warm when birding in frigid waters.
If it were my dog I would shave him year round. A #7 skip tooth in the summer and # 3 skip tooth in the winter. Head and ears included. Every 4-6 weeks max. Forget the brushing of long coat- it a no win for both of you. He will grow to hate those sessions and you will end up with a wet wooly-smelling dog. Labs don't have long winter coats and neither do any poodles I have groomed through the years- only slightly longer than summer coats.  Then you can brush easily and still get the stimulation needed to keep the natural oils distributed through the coat.
hope this was informative for you and will get you going in the right direction for easier maintenance.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the grooming advice. Actually, my dog, like the breed was intended for, was specifically bred to be a guide dog and he is a terrific guide dog for me. I am blind and I have terrible allergies. he is much smarter than a Lab, very keen observer and social but not too ruled by his social drive. He is not fixated on a hunt or a fetch like a lot of Labs and he is a little less of a brainiac then a Standard Poodle, making him a little more patient. The worst thing about the breed is that they called them Labradoodles, turning them into a toy, and backyard breeding seemed easy and profitable for the worst kinds of breeders. All breeds originate from two or more breeds, and great breeders are responsible for creating all the breeds we know and love now. The history of a breed starts  and sometimes ends somewhere, please don't let this keep you from respecting this breed and all the work great breeders have done.I have owned ( or shared my life with ) many different breeds and Luigi is an incredible beast.

Hi Coco,
I am glad you came back with a clearer picture for me of your involvement with this breed. Yes we all lament the name... I am, however glad to hear this dog was bred with a purpose since so many of these designer dogs are put together for a whim. If I had known you were blind I would know already that you are a much more involved owner in your dogs maintenance and not just another designer trend hopper- all too often the case with the doodle breeds, sadly.
My best friend is blind as well so I am very familiar with the problems of allergies from the guide dog breeds. Her breed of choice is the German Shepherd bred and trained by Fidelco in Ct. They are incredible animals to be sure but the shedding.... it takes several trips to the car wash to remove the hair from my car whenever we travel and housekeeping is never ending. Her latest boy, Frisco, doesn't shed nearly as much as other dogs she has had through the years. I think diet has played a part in that as well. Better diets cause less dander and shedding.
I still stand by my prescription for your dogs coat. It is a highly effective and low care style that you can live with. If you are going to a groomer tell them not to get fancy but practical. Groomers like to make their work more difficult sometimes when just the opposite is necessary. 7 in the summer-3- winter, ALL OVER!  trim feet ears tail muzzle and you're good to go for 6 weeks.
Good luck with your boy- love his name by the way.