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bathing my pomeranian

18 17:37:39

I have 3 poms and they go outside alot in the summer. I have been told that you are to only bath them every 3 months but they really stink. The ages are 5,3 and 1. So what I would like to know is how often can I give them a bath and is there a special shampoo I should use? One more thing they seem to always have alot of flees.
thank you

Who on earth told you such nonsense and why would you believe them? I find it hard to understand why you would knowingly allow fleas to torture your dogs and not take care of the problem because "somebody" gave you bogus information. You have a computer and could have researched this long ago before you noticed "alot" of fleas. Your house and yard are no doubt infested and you will need an exterminator to get it under control. You will need to remove your dogs and have them all treated at the same time. You will need to remove all their bedding and have it cleaned.
THEN you will need to repeat the whole process in 2 weeks to make sure you get the larvae.

And then I hope you put your dogs on a more realistic schedule and don't ever listen to the person who told you this again. I don't care who they are. You put your dogs health at risk because of this and suffered needlessly.
good luck