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grooming my pekingnese

18 17:38:53

I have a very tempermental 4 yo pekingnese named Dinki, I so wish I could
take my clippers to trim certain areas on her that has some "mats" But she
can barely tolerate a bath, how or what can I do to keep her calm? Can I slip
her a "micky"???.

You should take her to  a professional to avoid more problems and then once you have the matts under control you need to spend a lot more time brushing and combing Dinki. The correct tools will help make this less of a drama. A good pin brush and slicker, a metal comb, and a matt rake are essential for full coated Pekes. A stable work space with the correct surface for Dinki not to slip and slide on and I don't mean the floor! Many Pekes have less lush coats and are a whole lot easier to maintain but if you have the good fortune to have one of those gorgeous waddling dust mops, that is high maintenance and I would advise you to take a lesson or get a how-to video.
Thinning shears are much easier on a testy dogs nerves but again - it takes practice.
Brush Brush Brush, then use the comb to see if you need to brush some more

I never advise tranquilizing a dog- it is a job for your vet should they deem it appropriate. A full face muzzle will help keep you safe from a peke biter- you may be the reason your dog reacts badly- lots of times your pup will behave better for a seasoned professional who is used to a dog that fights against grooming. It could be that simple. Frequent Regular consistent appointments will help train your dog to become less fearful. Lots of gentle handling with positive reinforcement is the best way to work this out.