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Best clipper and blades for American cocker spaniel

18 17:40:19

Hi Lori,

What clipper and blades would you recommend to use on American cocker spaniel.


You can actually do then entire clip with a #10 blade, if you want to.
The #10 will be needed to do all of the hygenic areas, lip line, muzzle, under the front legs and stomach and genital areas, under the tail.
If your cocker has a nice thick coat and you want it short, you can use the #10 and go with the hair and clip the back. In our salon, though, we prefer a #9, or even a #7F if the dog has white hair. These blades leave alittle more hair which will keep the dog from getting sunburned.
We also use a #40 on the bottoms of the feet, and around the inside of the ear openings. You can use your #10 blade if you are wanting to save money, but it won't do quite as nice of a job as quickly as the #40.
Since a full cocker coat leaves the legs and skirting long, you do not need a blade for that, but if you are cutting the hair on the legs, you can get a #2 clip on blade attachment and put over your #10 (we use a 40 or 30 for under clip on blades) or you can get anything from a #4 to A #7 for a sporting type clip of the legs.
Some people will clip the legs with their #10, but it looks awfully short and naked.

One thing to remember is if you do all of this work with a #10, the blade will get hot and you will need to let it cool, unless you have more than one blade. So I recommend you spend alittle extra money and get an extra 10, or get one of the other blades I recommended.
If you need help with a particular length in a certain area, let me know what area you are wanting to check the blade length of
Good luck, it is a BIG job to do a cocker,,,,Lori