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Poodle clippers

18 17:37:06

QUESTION: I am researching clippers to groom my toy poodle puppy.  Oster A5, along with Andis Ultra Edge or AGC, seem to be widely used.  In reading reviews of the newer Oster PowerMax, they seem to be lighter and easier to hold and possibly cooler. Are you familiar with this model?  I also found the difference between the A5 Golden and Turbo confusing.  Are all of these clippers suitable and comparable?
I have found some great instructional videos and am working on getting the puppy used to general grooming.  
Thank you for any assistance you can provide of selecting an appropriate clipper.

ANSWER: Good for you Leigh!
The videos are terrific to learn from- there are so many good ones. Practice is the key.
Depending on the patterns you are planning to do - clean face and feet- or just a puppy cut?
I am a diehard Oster fan. I have tried all the others and always go back to Oster- but the new Powermax is not made in this country and I don't care for the mechanics of it altho I do like the weight and feel of it. The motors burn out easy. My old stand by fav is the Golden (easiest to have serviced if needed)- the turbo is for heavy duty shave downs-  not necessary for your baby.
Get double sets of blades so if they overheat - which they do especially when you are learning- you can switch out and you won't give your puppy razor burn. Also there is a spray to cool the blades down while you work.
The biggest mistake most newbies make is making it too complex. Learn to use the clipper- hold it like a pencil. Pick a length you like- a skip tooth #4 is perfect to me, and use it all over, trimming the feet  and face after- every 4 weeks. Keeps matting to a minimum and easiest to maintain.
have fun!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you.  I am just going for an easy puppy cut and will move to clean face and feet when I am more confident.  I'll stick with the Golden - they just seemed so hefty for a small dog.  She still has fluffy puppy hair so I will probably be scissoring for a while.  Do you have any opinion on the small "turn-table" grooming tables with arm/noose that you can put on a regular table?  I haven't been able to find any reviews, and I am assuming you can lock them in place.  They seemed to be an economical and flexible alternative to a large table for a small dog, and also might limit her space even more.

those small tables are a bit awkward - I don't believe they lock from the ones I have seen. THey are made to stand on top of the traditional table. All tables are collapsible if space is an issue or if you have a surface you can clamp an arm onto that could also be the way to go.
Clean face and feet are tricky - where you end up with most of the nicks, cuts and burns.  If you decide you really want to go that way - I don't advise it- be very careful. Most dogs don't like it - small ones even less and you should start it early- maybe let a pro do it and show you once or twice. .
good luck!