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best shampoo/conditioner

18 17:37:22

Hello, I was planning to adopt a dog but wanted to get familiar with it first. I was wondering what the best and healthiest shampoo and ocnditioner brand there is for small dogs. Any answer and brand with help. Thanks!

I wish I knew what kind of dog it was! I can tell you that there is less chance of an allergic reaction or itchy skin if you look into the DVM brand of products.

DVM makes a basic shampoo called HyLyt that is hypoallergenic (good if anyone in the household has allergies, not just the dog!) and has emollients that keep from drying out the dog's skin and coat, a leading cause of itchy skin.

DVM also makes other types of shampoo for specific skin issues and is available in a lot of Pet Stores or your Vet's office. Amazon also carries them.

The company has been around a long time and we reach for those products when we need something mild that still cleans well.

Conditioner labels can sometimes be as simple as what smells yummy. They work as they do for our hair and create a softer, easier to detangle coat, but read the directions and leave in for a few minutes to allow it to soak into the follicle. There are many great ones out there so feel free to experiment with what smells good, as conditioners are what you are gonna be sniffing.

If, again you are looking for itchy skin relief then the DVM makes a "relief" conditioner that is great for softening the coat, but don't let the smell fool you, it's very neutral.

That's what doggie cologne is for!!

Buying off the shelf, there are many other brands out there, but I find that recommending DVM leads to the least negative skin reactions as they don't add unnecessary ingredients to attract consumers... Just no nonsense and clean!