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yorkie haircut

18 17:36:42

I have a 3 year old female,her hair is real thick.I take her to the groomers but would like to know what to use for in between cuts to thin her hair.It's thick and curly.I'm sure it would be some kind of clippers but haven't found one for thinning hair out.Or what size of comb on the clippers.Thank you so much for any help

Hi Cheryl,
There are so many different kinds of yorkie coats and you got the high maintenance one. Thick coats like that need to be professionally done at the very least every 8 weeks. Monthly is best. Also the shorter the better - they just poof up and get matted. Thinning between groomings is not a very good idea because you will end up with a very moth eaten looking dog.
It may not be exactly what you had in mind when you got your little darling but we do the best with what we get and I have had quite a few like yours through the years and they are as cute as buttons with the short teddy bear look.
I use a clipper with a #5 blade on in the summer and a 3 or 4 blade in the winter. All over with the ears tipped. They look like stuffed animals
The more often you have her groomed the easier it will be for her and maybe the groomer has a frequent client special...
hope this helps