Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Grooming > Do I get attachments or different clipper

Do I get attachments or different clipper

18 17:38:18

Hi, Hope not to sound to dumb with my questions but I`m at my wits end trying to cut our Labs fur, before anyone jumps on me our Lab is Spaniel mixed and her fur gets very long, thick with a heavy under coat and she gets very listless and hot, winter even. Being at my age of 63 it`s getting harder to trim her, I have a Qster Golden Two Speed A5 with a chyotech size 10 blade (I replace the blade often), I purchased this a few years back and I like the unit but I do a terrible job using it, our poor girl looks like she went threw a food chopper. Our Daughter used to use this unit and did a beautiful job but she now has family and time is hard for her to do this anymore. I don`t know if there are attachments for it that would help or can a person use different blades. I`m about ready to buy another unit but being on Social Security Disability it`s tough to buy things but I will if you good people recommend it.Hope I explained my problem (get attachments or different blades?) well enough.
Thank you for your time in reading this and with any help you can give,


Hi Fred,
Not sure if changing the equipment is going to help your situation- it's all about practice. If something is wrong with your clipper send it back to Oster to fix it- cheaper than buying a new one. As for blades a #10 is pretty drastic for the job you are doing - goes to the skin, is this really what you want? A #7F would be plenty short and leave a bit.
As far as the choppy look you have to cut in straight lines in the direction the hair grows. From the base of the skull to the top of the tail. Don't skip around. Go straight down the middle like a part and do one half first then repeat the same pattern on the other side.
Don't leave a black dog out in the sun, use a cold pack between the two front legs to cool the blood the heart is pumping to the extremities.
hope this helps