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how to groom my dog

18 17:38:34

Hi Liz,
     I was wondering if you could tell me how to groom my big fat,stinky,old,knotty haired, dog!
First i want his fir to be nice and soft. Then I want this teeth to be cleaned.
I hope you can help me, HE STINKS!

Not sure who you are asking this question of because Liz is not my name.
I very strongly recommend and believe in washing your dog on a monthly basis if this is an indoor dog. Frankly the days of leaving most dogs outside are over for many reasons- the least of which is, it is not kind to the dog.
However,  I would recommend that if he is knotted  to take him to a professional that can shave him down, give him a bath and start off the new year right. Sounds like you haven't been doing it. Get some pointers from them since I can't see this poor fella, don't know how to advise you further.
Teeth cleaning is a veterinarian appointment. Then that is up to you as well with some instruction by the vet.
good luck