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Can cuts change coloring of puppy?

18 17:39:33

I have a 4 month old cockapoo puppy and absolutely love the apricot color of her coat however I have noticed that it is starting to lighten closer in to her "roots".  I would like to get her a trim at some point in time and when I mentioned it to a groomer they said it was best to wait until the puppy is 9 months because it could affect coloring and texture.  Is this true? Will she most likely loose the apricot coloring and go to the color of her lighter roots eventually?

Most dogs have lighter "roots" or undercoat.  If you have her hair clipped she will be the lighter color but as she grows out it should become darker.  You should keep her brushed and combed and I wouldn't suggest taking any significant amount of hair off her.  Just like babies, puppies change as they grow up so there is no definitive answer to how she will eventually look. I hope it all works out for you, let me know if I can answer anymore questions.