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Hair growing back longer

18 17:39:45

We have a shepard/malanoy mix and she has only been sheered
two times for the summer...
This time she is growing hair out like a sheepdog...what do we do??????

I suggest you get a rake and a furminator.  Those will help you get all the undercoat out.  You can also take her to a groomer for a lo-shed treatment.  I'm not sure if all grooming shops do them but I know petsmart does.  It is expensive but it cuts down on shedding by 80 percent.  More than likely her her looks fuller or longer because of the amount of undercoat, getting the undercoat brushed/blown out is usually a better option than shaving.  Her hair will be able to adjust better to climate change, heater/ac better also.  Let me know if I can be of anymore help.