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Matted hair removal

18 17:37:13

I have a Lhasa Apso [cuckapoo] with long matted hair.


The Stuff
Hi Ronald,
Apologies for the delay in responding. For long-coated breeds, I like a product called, "The Stuff", which contains silicon to help detangle and condition the coat. It also prevents static while you brush. It's readily available online or from pet supply stores.

If the tangles are not close to the skin, "The Stuff" used in addition to a soft slicker brush and followed with a thorough comb-out, will garner great results. Be sure to demat your dog before bathing or the mats will become tighter. If you use a slicker brush, avoid scraping the skin because it can cause bruising and what we groomers refer to as, 'brush burn.' Another good tool to have on hand for long-coated breeds, is a mat-breaker. They are inexpensive (usually around $15.00) and are readily available online.