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Border collies ruined coat

18 17:37:18

I have a 4 year old red border collie mix and approximately 1 1/2 years ago we buzzed him because of the heat.  His coat has never been the same and I just feel sick about it.  It's like he has only the fluffy under coat and no top coat to protect him from wetness.  Is there anything that I can do to help get that top coat back? Please help!

Well I guess I don't have to tell you not to do that again. I wish others would read this sad tale before they decide to "relieve" their dogs from the heat... because after all it is nature's way of protecting these animals from the cold AND the heat. Groomers are not required to actually know these things and most- even if they do know- figure the client knows best, but if the breeder has not educated you or you bought the dog at a pet store how would you know? Unless you did the research, it is deep into it you must go. I often get questions on here as to why I am so against shaving working dogs and here is the perfect storm.
All that said, it is possible to work the coat back but it takes time and patience and a bit of elbow grease. You must do a lot of brushing and combing- actually it is called carding. That is, back combing all that fluff to encourage the re-growth of the guard hair. That hard shiny hair. You may want to experiment with a Mars Coat King. It is a kind of rake that pulls out undercoat and makes room for the guard hair. It takes work and consistency. I would recommend a 10-12 blade one. You will have to order it from an online catalogue such as Cherrybrook or Pet Edge.
A rubber curry will massage and stimulate the skin skin and facilitate growth. A large metal comb will separate the fluff. It takes a lot of dedication but it should come back if you work it enough.
Poor Katy- I feel bad for you both. Hopefully it will come back in a year or so but it really is up to you or a pro who you may be lucky enough to talk into working it for you but that could cost you. Try contacting a border club and see if there is someone who will help you through.
good luck