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First Time Hand Stripping

18 17:36:38

QUESTION: Hi, I have a 4 month old wire fox terrier that I would like to hand strip myself. However, I have never done this before and would like to know what stripping knife on you would recommend to purchase to begin with? Coarse, medium, or fine?  What do you use on the face area?  Any information or tips you could give me in regards to hand stripping for a first-timer would be greatly appreciated.  
Thank You

ANSWER: Hi Shannon,
Brinkley is adorable! Of course I am biased.
Looks like the breeder did some preliminary work for you. Was it plucked or shaved?
Where did you get him?
You can go to my website and look  up recommended tools. Since I specialize in pets- not show dogs - I use some different tools. For instance, I use Hauptner knives. I do fine (face ears throat, rear) or what is called the flatwork- with Chris Christiansen detail sticks which  are pumice sticks like the kind manicurists use to push back cuticles with.
I suggest you join the American Fox Terrier Club (apply on line) and get whatever literature they have. Go on youtube and watch the videos. Also go to dog shows and watch how professional handlers do the detail work.
It takes patience, tenacity and a firm stance. Always best to have one on one instruction first.
Where are you geographically? maybe I can recommend someone.
Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi ElizaBeth,
Thank you for your earlier response.  I got Brinkley from some breeders in Missouri,they are called Thomas-Terriers.  I am not sure if she was plucked or shaved when I purchased her? You mentioned you use Hauptner knives.  I see several of them on Cherrybrook's website.  Sorry to bother you about all this, but I am still kind of confused.  I now understand what you use for the flatwork.  However, which knife is a good one to use to strip the main coat/overall body?  Is it the Hauptner stripping knife- Medium #12-010?  I wish I could locate someone in my area to learn from, but at this point I have not found anyone who does hand stripping.  I am located in Dubuque, Iowa. A small town.  Madison,Wisconsin..Rockford,Illinois..Davenport,Iowa..and Cedar Rapids,Iowa are all located around me.  Thank you again for your help.

You are coming through to me from Alabama for some reason
My best advice is to go to YouTube and look at the instructional video and practice on your dog
The worst thing that can happen is it all grows back.
Again go to the Fox Terrier club and see who is nearby
The medium Hauptner is best for the back if you go with that tool
Any breed that requires plucking and has a club that has instruction seminars would be worth looking into for you.
Starting soon helps get you and your dog get use to the process
Good luck