Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Grooming > is shitzu/pomeranian mix hard to groom ?

is shitzu/pomeranian mix hard to groom ?

18 17:39:50

i had a shitzu in the past & she was very high maintance, having to get a puppy cut every 6 weeks due to matting. i am interested in buying a shitzu/pomeranian mix & was wondering if the fur would mat & tangle easily.

A pom shih mix is probably going to be even more high maintenance than your full blooded shih, as it will SHED in addition to having possibly very long hair.

You would have to get a non shedding dog and deal with the haircuts, or a shedding dog and no haircuts, (like a beagle or Chih or dalmation type).  

Unfortunately, you usually get one or the other, (shedding or long) but with mixes, you can have a REAL set of problems, because you never know what you get. One part of the dog may shed madly, (like the neck or britches area) and another part may grow long and thick.

Good luck