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Question on Promeris, grooming and Ticks

18 17:39:03

My vet recently switched from Fronline to Promeris. They told me that Promeris was a better product, that ever since Frontline allowed their product to be sold at stores, the quality went down hill.

So 3 weeks ago I applied Promeris (Which is suppose to be good up to 6 weeks), exactly as the instructions said.

not even 3 weeks later, I take my dog on a short walk, he rolls in something and gets either mud, or poop on him. Didn't want to find out so walked him right home and gave him the bath he was a week overdue for anyway.

When wet, I noticed something on his ear, and it was a tick. I was shocked because, on frontline, even when we vacation up in Northern Michigan where deers are rampant, wolves, bears, lots of woods... he never comes home with so much as a flea or tick.

I walk him in a suburb near Milwaukee that's more residental with no real woodsie areas after switching to promeris... and he suddenly has a tick.

And I don't know what kind it is... it doesn't look exactly like a deer tick, but it doesn't look exactly like a dog tick either. My worry is spread of Rocky Mountain fever.

Here's a picture of it (the best I could get)

Should I be upset over Promeris... should I be worried about reactions... Should I be worried about my families heath as well. As far as I can tell I am not seeing ticks on me personally or on anyone else in the house.  

Hi Andrea.  Thank you for the photo!!!   Hmmm, I'm not so sure that I agree with your vet's office when they told you that the quality of Frountline has gone downhill simply because you can not purchase it without a prescription.

Looking at the photo you sent, I think you have what is know as a Brown Tick, and Brown Ticks are common in the Wisconsin.

I stongly suggest that you go back to using Frounline - espcilly because you did not have a problem with the product.

Good luck, and please don't hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.  Sincerely, Penny D.