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Grooming a very matted Pomeranian

18 17:37:07

I have recently acquired a full grown male Pomeranian. This Pom had been shaved on a regular basis by its original owner and then the second owner let it grow out, but didn't groom him regularly. The result is a dog that has thick mats under his tail and all through his back side and around his sides. I have a long toothed metal comb that I have been working out some of the mats with, but there are quite a lot of them. Is it possible to have a groomer shave him and then start all over by letting his hair grow back and comb him regularly. I'd like to have the traditional long haired Pom, but want to do what's best for the dog as well.

Dear Vickie,
Believe me I understand what you are talking about- I have a client who lives elsewhere 50% of the time and has had her Pom butchered and refuses to let anyone else touch her but me. She has the most incredible coat I ever worked on. The first time I got her it took me 8 hours to comb her out (2 days apart for her comfort)- but with the proper tools and a lotta patience I got her combed out without having to shave her- which takes FOREVER to grow out.  Or maybe the groomer will help you dematt the dog.
You need to get a really soft slicker brush such as the Doggie Man Series- sold online at better catalogue companies- and you have to know how to use that. Carding matts is the best way to remove them. Like they do for sheep's wool- this is the tool for that.  A long pin brush to brush without tearing and pulling but gets down to the skin- such as a Chris Christensen to maintain after you get him in shape. The most important piece of equipment that you need to use on a daily basis is your metal comb. I give people the mantra- the comb is my friend.... It tells you where you are missing if it doesn't get through so you can go back and re-card.
Using a strong blow dryer helps to separate the clumps.
A product called  " the STUFF" is great for before and after to help de-matt and then prevent new ones. It is a kind of liquid wax that prevents dirt from sticking.
About washing your dog- if you don't get the matts out before you wash him and they dry into the coat you will only be making it worse if you don't get them out first. If you know how to remove them while wet with a comb and cream rinse then brush while blow drying it will be faster. Again the tools are the trick- the best tool is a proper grooming table with arm and loop to save your back and the give the dog proper boundries so you can get done what needs to be.
hope this helps and good luck.