Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Grooming > 3.5 mth old terrified of grooming

3.5 mth old terrified of grooming

18 17:38:31

I received a 3 month Tibeten Terrier for xmas. He is great however, he HATES GROOMING. I have taken him to the groomer 2x now and they say he is horrible. I try brushing him with a gentle brush & a brush that has the metal prongs to get through his hair. HATES IT. He will bite, yelp, pull away and bark back at me. He is terrified.WHAT DO I DO? He needs to be groomed.

You have a problem.
These dogs HAVE to be groomed and OFTEN. Find the kindest gentlest, FIRMEST groomer you can and get that dog used to the routine immediately. Sometimes it just takes time and perseverance but you can't give up. These dogs are what are classified as HIGH maintenance. Extremely high. So you have to be prepared to spend alot of time with him on this one.
If I were you I would get a grooming table and ONLY work on him there. Don't try getting down on the floor or sitting him on you lap- you'll lose every time. Show him this is not a democracy when it comes to grooming. You are the boss and thats it. Otherwise you will need to take him to be groomed every 2 weeks and keep him very short.
Did you buy him from a breeder? Did anyone tell you how much work this coat entails? TT's can get really aggressive behind this so you need to invest in the correct equipment since you should plan on doing this for the next 15 years, this is no joke. These dogs don't stop growing hair and you can't just do it occasionally or you will have a rhasta dog on your hands in no time flat. Any moisture at all, will matt and knot the coat up in a heartbeat. It is an investment whether you learn to do it correctly yourself or pay someone to do it for you.
Daily sessions to get him up to speed, short periods of time at first every day to get him use to it and keep him tangle free so he doest act out.
A long needle pin brush is the best for their coat, a large metal comb and a large Doggie Man slicker. Lots of cream rinse if you have to bathe
good luck