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Puppy Scared of Brush

18 17:37:29

Hi.  I just got an 11 week old puppy from the animal shelter two days ago.  She is a lab/shepherd mix with a short coarse coat.  She did have dermatitis when she was found and there are a few scabs left.  I tried to brush her and she got really scared the second it touched her back.  I wasn't pressing the brush at all, just barely touching her with it.  How do I get her to not be afraid of the brush?

you will need to get a softer brush and wait until the skin has healed.
Start by using your hands daily as a rub then switch to a brush but be sure you wash thoroughly when you are done.
Some dogs have an aversion to brushing but yours has a legit reason. In time with gentleness ou should break the fear. Easy does it.
good luck