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Sheltie grooming

18 17:39:07

I own a 5 year old, 30 lbs sheltie that just yesterday came back from a new groomer. They gave her a summertime cut. To my surprise that meant they left the tail and main and shaved the body. The sheltie is tricolored black, white and brown. The hair on the body looks grey. First will the hair come back the same texture and color? Did the shaving process besides how horrible she looks now do any damage to her future appearance?

Hi Robert.
Unfortunately, most of the time when a dog that is NOT meant to be shaved (like a sheltie), the coat will not grow back properly. Usually, the color changes, and the texture as well. The coat will not be as vibrantly colored (more grayish) and the coat texture will feel more like the undercoat than the top coat. I never recommend shaving these dogs. It does not cool them off for summer. It makes them unable to control their body temperature, and you will have to be very careful this summer that your sheltie does not get a sunburn with the skin now exposed.
The more a dog with an undercoat gets shaved, the worse the coat will become. So, DO NOT let this happen again. Hopefully the coat will grow back relatively the same. I don't understand how groomers can get away with doing what they want on someone elses dog. Next time you take your dog to a groomer, make sure you are both clear on what procedures are going to be done on your dog. I'm so sorry to hear about what happened last time.