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Pom hair cut to short by groomer

18 17:37:07

My groomer talked me into a lion cut on my Pom since we live in Florid awhere it is so hot I htought well maybe she will be happier. I agreed assuming the groomer knew waht she was tlaking about and after reading article on the internet I could cry! Her hair was so beautiful,long and soft. I just hope her hair isn't ruined permnently. After reading some of these artices I am terrified. Her hair is probably about an inch long. How long will it take to grow back and will it grow in the same texture as before. She is two years old.

Many people, groomers included, think that a dog with longer hair MUST have a 'summer cut' this is not the case for most of them, their long hair PROTECTS them from the heat, rather than makes them hotter. Want to cool down your dog? Give it some ice cubes to chew on!!!

You dogs coat should grow out in less than 6 months, it will be fine, just keep on treating it like you usually do, not too many shampoos, maybe one every few weeks is all it will need.

And, find another groomer, OK???