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6 months yorkie

18 17:39:48

hi lori
i got my 6 month old yorkie groomed twice once was about a month ago but the groomer advised me not to get all her puppy fur cut she just trimmed all hair on her face and her
legs, she has no matts at all, should she be getting all her hair cut as for it is very oily and shaggy looking? will her coat change to silky straight or will she have this kind of coat till adulthood??? she looks like the odd one out of her litter all the other puppys look so different?
thanks lori

Hello Olive, congrats on your little yorkie, aren't they SO cute?!
I advise people not to get their puppies cut on the first visit because it is so much to expect them to stand still for all of that the first time.
After that, it really is up to the owner.  She can be cut, when she gets to be about a year old, her hair texture will change and you may have matting problems.  At that time, (10 months to 14 months) you may have no choice but to cut the hair, but at this point, just do what you want.
If her hair is oily and shaggy, it may not be THICK and if cut, it may look really thin and she may benefit from having a chance to eat nutritious food, get wormed and grow more luxurious hair.
Some Yorkies have the straight silky hair and some have little waves and some have very thick hair.  Some yorkies do have oily hair their entire lives.  It depends on the dog and there is no way for me to know, or probably anyone to know except by judging her parents. If their coats are different from each other, she could take after either one!
Do get the tips of her ears trimmed of hair, or the cartlidge will break down and her ears won't stand up.  Other than that, as long as she isn't matted, her hair can be any length.
You might suggest to the groomer that you would like her done with a #1 blade guard, which will leave the hair fairly long, and ask the groomer to float it down the sides to leave a skirt. This may give you a better look, but really just dont' have her cut REALLY short at this point, I dont' recommend that, it won't look right.