Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Grooming > Confidence


18 17:36:58

I have an 8 month old welsh terrier. He does not have any confidence. I would like for him to have confidence when walking down the street and meeting other dogs. I also understand that you are an expert in stripping  terrier coats. I would appreciated if you can give me some advise in stripping.

Confidence comes with repetition and consistency. Was you dog removed from his mother too early? That can sometimes be a problem. Regardless you have to keep up the routines and keep trying with lots of praise and rewards. You should probably be taking puppy classes and working with a trainer.
As far as hand stripping is concerned- there are hundreds of videos on youtube that will demonstrate what you need to do. You should already have started stripping the coat. It grows extremely fast and has to be worked all the time. Try going to a dog show and watching the handlers prepare their dogs for the ring. Hand stripping is not offered in grooming schools and is usually only learned by apprenticing with a master but you can learn by yourself if you're determined. Your breed club should have pamphlets that give step by step instructions. Contact them and they usually charge a nominal fee for the information.
Once you get that you can email me again with any questions you might have after you have tried doing it with the methods I already given you to try. You can look up my website which gives links for equipment needed for hand-stripping.
good luck and Happy New Year.